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“Cost Effective Reliability”
With an In Water Survey mid period, the tradition of Merchant Vessels taken out of service for Dry Docking, twice in every five year cycle, in order to conduct due Maintenance and Surveys, some operating costs cash flows can be managed better without compromising safety, Quality & compliance requirements etc. Downtime periods for any Ship Owner, represents a loss. Therefore any downtime must not only be kept to a minimum but work conducted must maximize the investment for Owners.
The team at ARMS has vast experience of Ship Building, repair, Dockings from SE- ASIA to West African Ports. The wide-ranging work undertaken varies from basic underwater maintenance and surveys, through to Machinery/Cargo System/Accommodation repairs plus Structural and Machinery upgrades. Such Attending Costs given the type size of the Vessel may range from US$100k to US$20 Million having Schedules anything between 10 to 180 Days depending on scope of work involved such as conversion / new building etc.
Delivering reliability within the budget requires a proactive project management of all activities. Prior to the intended Docking/Project schedule the PMT (Project Mgt Team) runs an identification process from various database of facilities/yards etc & their historical performance references where possible, based on reports of previous attendances by company superintendents. Each facility profile recognizes essential criteria including, safety, job quality, price variations, local logistics and approve accordingly after the collection of the project cost. The monitoring of such project team is done at HQ level at all times. A transparent system for retirement of allocated budget / funds is carried out on regular intervals such that the Owners are in control at all times, the Cost and Time Control together with Daily Reports allows regular assessment and dialogue with Owners to achieve the best.